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Evaluate the PAT Auditor Workbook

Once you have completed an audit using a section of the IPAC Program Audit Tool (PAT©) Auditor Workbook, please complete the following evaluation.

Your feedback will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the PAT© and the format of the Workbook, to make improvements as required. Additional comments may be added.   

4 = Strongly Agree      3 = Agree        2 = Disagree     1 = Strongly Disagree   0 = No opinion  

1. The Workbook was easy to use in auditing selected IPAC Program standards.
2. The introductory content of the Workbook is logically organized to assist the auditor in understanding the auditing process and the steps in conducting an audit.
3. Instructions for using the Workbook are clear and easy to understand.
4. Instructions for scoring are clear and easy to understand.
5. The Workbook provides easy to use templates for documenting audit results.
6. The suggested documents for review and sample evidence statements provided in the Workbook for evaluating documentation evidence were appropriate and useful.
7. The suggested interview question(s) and responses provided in the Workbook for evaluating interview evidence was appropriate and useful.
8. The suggested observable evidence provided in the Workbook for evaluating observation evidence was appropriate and useful.
9. Standards are weighted according to their potential risk to individuals or the organization if they are not met. From the forms provided, is it clear how to develop action plans and priorities based on these risks?
Validation Code