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Monday Sep. 16 - 2024
Monday Sep. 23 - 2024
Tuesday Sep. 24 - 2024
Tuesday Sep. 24 - 2024

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IPAC Canada - the smart way to advance infection prevention and control.

Welcome to IPAC Canada*

IPAC Canada is a multidisciplinary member-based association committed to public wellness and safety by advocating for best practices in infection prevention and control in all settings.

Who We Are

IPAC Canada is an organization focussing on infection prevention and control in the community and in healthcare facilities.  IPAC Canada cannot provide direction or commentary about clinical/patient care matters and, therefore, cannot provide clinical opinions. If you are a patient with a clinical question, please contact your healthcare provider to seek appropriate guidance.

Latest News and Events

IPAC Canada 2024 Annual General Meeting The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Infection Prevention and Control Canada will be held on June 12, 2024 during our National Education Conference in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. Elections for open Board positions will be held during the meeting.
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IPAC Canada Board Elections 2024 The Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors of IPAC Canada is requesting recommendations for candidates to stand for election in 2024. The following positions are open for election at the 2024 Annual General Meeting to be held June 12, 2024: One Director (Finance) for a three-year term; and One Physician Director for a three-year term. This is only a recommendation for a candidate(s) who should be considered for nomination by the Nominating Committee. Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2023. Please see the Request for Recommendations for details, related policies, candidate
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IPAC Canada Corporate Partners

Ecolab HandyMetrics
SC Johnson Webber
bronze2 Vernacare
The placement of corporate logos does not imply advertisement or endorsement of a company's products or services. IPAC Canada is not responsible for information found on any external website reached through corporate links.
*Google Translate provides 'IAPC Canada' as the acronym which is used throughout this French website. The true acronym is 'PCI Canada'; however, the website translation cannot be changed.