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Inside IPAC Canada

Chapters Directory

There are IPAC Canada chapters in every province in Canada. To find the chapter nearest you, view the map below. Click on the chapter in the area where you live and you will be directed to contact information for that chapter.

Contact the chapter president for information about meetings and membership.

IPAC Canada Chapter Map

Chapter Directory

IPAC British Columbia (IPAC BC)
Sandra Dunbar
1540 Farrell Ave
Delta BC V4L 1V7
IPAC BC Website

IPAC Northern Alberta (IPAC NA)
Leanne Wyman MLT BTech CIC
AHS – Alberta Hospital Edmonton
17480 Fort Rd
Edmonton AB T5J 2J7
IPAC NA Website

IPAC Southern Alberta (IPAC SA)
Chelsea Hagg BSc CIPHI(C)
AHS – Chinook Regional Hospital
960 19th Street S
Lethbridge AB T1J 1W5
IPAC SA Website

IPAC Saskatchewan Professionals in Infection Control (IPAC SASKPIC)
Amanda Peterson RN CIC
St. Paul’s Hospital
1702 20th Street W
Saskatoon SK S7M 0Z9

IPAC Manitoba (IPAC MB)
Paula Enns RN BN
Southern Health – Sante Sud
409 Hospital St
Steinbach MB R5G 0E6
IPAC MB Website

IPAC Northwestern Ontario (IPAC NWO)
Janet Paulson BScN RN
Lake of the Woods District Hosp.
21 Sylvan Street W
Kenora ON P9N 3W7
IPAC NWO Website

IPAC Central South Ontario (IPAC CSO)
Mary Ellen Konrad BA RT CIC
Halton Healthcare
3001 Hospital Gate
Oakville ON L6M 0L8
IPAC CSO Website

IPAC Greater Toronto Area (IPAC GTA)
Murtuza Diwan BSc(Hons) MSc CIC
Halton Healthcare
3001 Hospital Gate
Oakville ON L6M 0L8
IPAC GTA Website

IPAC Southwestern Ontario (IPAC SWO)
Cara-Lee Coghill RN MScN CCHN(C)
Public Health Ontario
661 University Ave, Ste 1701
Toronto ON M5G 1M1
IPAC SWO Website

IPAC Ottawa Region (IPAC OR)
Sandra Petersen RN BScN CIC
Ottawa Public Health
100 Constellation Dr
Ottawa ON K2G 6J8
IPAC OR Website

IPAC Central East Ontario (IPAC CEO)
Margaret Cameron MLT CMQ/OE CIC
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
1 Hospital Drive
Peterborough ON K9J 7C6
IPAC CEO Chapter Website

IPAC Northeastern Ontario (IPAC NEO)
Laurie Dawn Boyer RN BScN Med CIC CPH(C)
Public Health Ontario
199 Larch St, Ste 403
Sudbury ON P3E 5P9
IPAC NEO Website

IPAC Eastern Ontario (IPAC EO)
Dana Finnegan-Yee MLT BScH BEd CIC
Brockville General Hospital
75 Charles St
Brockville ON K6V 1S8 
IPAC EO Website

PCI Qc (Prévention et contrôle des infections Qc)
Michal Stachura RN MSc(A)
McGill University Health Centre
1001 boul. Decarie
Montreal QC H4A 3J1
PCI Qc Website

IPAC Nova Scotia (IPAC NS)
Duane MacLeod RN
NSHA – Yarmouth Regional Hospital
60 Vancouver St
Yarmouth NS B5A 2P5
IPAC NS Website

IPAC New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island (IPAC NB/PEI)
Tara Ferguson RN BScN
Health PEI
16 Garfield St, Box 2000
Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8

IPAC Newfoundland/Labrador (IPAC NL) 
Donna Penney BN RN CIC
Eastern Health Waterford Hospital
306 Waterford Bridge Rd
St. John’s NL A1E 4J8
IPAC NL Website