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Opportunities for IPAC Canada Members

Certification Award Two intake dates:
April 1 and October 1
Chapter Certification Achievement Award March 31
Honorary Membership/Award of Merit September 30
Mentorship Award January 31
CloroxPro International Attendee Scholarship December 16, 2024
CloroxPro 2025 Conference Scholarship February 9, 2025
Moira Walker Memorial Award for International Service March 31, 2025
Diversey Scholarship January 31, 2025
Julie Larose Scholarship March 21, 2025
Metrex Cavi Wipes Scholarship March 28, 2025


Champions of Infection Prevention and Control Award
This award acknowledges the extraordinary accomplishments of the front line Champions of Infection Prevention and Control. The Award recognizes IPAC Canada members who work tirelessly, and sometimes creatively, to reduce infection, raise awareness and improve the health of Canadians. Find out more.

Certification Award
The award is intended to reimburse examination fees to successful applicants who have completed their initial or renewing certification (CIC®).  The award is not available to members holding a-IPC certification at this time. Find out more.

Chapter Certification Achievement Award
The CIC Chapter Achievement award is presented to the chapter that has the highest percentage of new CIC certificants in the previous year. An award of $750 is presented at the annual conference. Find out more.

CJIC Editorial Award
The Editorial Award is presented to the author(s) of an article that has appeared in the Canadian Journal of Infection Control (CJIC) in the previous year. Selected by a panel of the Editorial Board, the award winners receive waived registration for the conference at which the prize is awarded. 

Chapter Achievement Award
The award is to recognize a Chapter's achievement in promoting infection prevention and control in the hospital and the community. Find out more.

DEI Poster Contest
An annual poster contest is sponsored by the IPAC Canada Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group  to give infection prevention and control professionals an opportunity to put their creative talents to work by developing a poster that visualizes the DEI goals to which we all achieve.  More information (https://ipac-canada.org/diversity-equity-and-inclusion).

Honorary Membership/Award of Merit
Members of IPAC Canada may be awarded honorary or lifetime membership in recognition of their extraordinary service to the profession of infection prevention and control. Find out more.

Mentorship Award
While mentorship occurs in many settings, this award focuses on mentorship in IPAC settings. Eligible mentors must be a member of IPAC Canada and a mentor in the Mentorship Program. One award will be presented each year to an IPAC Canada member who has demonstrated exemplary commitment to mentoring. The winner will receive a certificate along with a cash award of $250 and a non-transferable, complementary registration to the Education Conference for the award year, for either in-person or virtual attendance. For more information see https://ipac-canada.org/mentorship-program.

Moira Walker Memorial Award for International Service
This Award honors an individual or group that has demonstrated extraordinary efforts to bring about change or improvement related to infection prevention and control in parts of the world that are under developed or under resourced. Find out more.

IPAC Canada Bursaries and Scholarships

Financial assistance is offered to IPAC Canada members to attend the IPAC Canada National Conference, an online distance education course through an IPAC Canada endorsed institution, or a chapter educational event. Funds are available for attendance at the through the following industry partnerships: 

Clorox Scholarship
With the continued generous support of The Clorox Company of Canada, the Clorox Scholarship assists members to attend our annual National Education Conference. More information.

Diversey Scholarship
Through the ongoing generosity of Diversey Inc., many IPAC Canada members have been supported to attend our annual conference. The recipients include members with novice, intermediate, and advanced expertise. More information.

Ecolab Poster Contest
An annual poster contest is sponsored by ECOLAB and supported by an IPAC Canada chapter to give infection prevention and control professionals an opportunity to put their creative talents to work by developing a poster that visualizes the Infection Prevention and Control Week theme. More information.

Julie Larose Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Julie Larose, a Diversey Inc. representative, IPAC Canada member, and friend to so many in healthcare, Diversey Inc. is supporting a scholarship to recognize an IPAC Canada member who has demonstrated grace, tenacity and humour in the face of adversity and may not be well known on the national stage.  The candidate may also be nominated for lifetime achievement in infection prevention and control. More information

Metrex CaviWipes Canada Scholarships
Metrex generously offers a scholarship which will enable three (3) Novice members (less than 2 years experience in IPAC) to attend the national education conference. More information.

Canadian Nurses' Foundation Scholarship
The Canadian Nurses Foundation grants more than $275,000 annually to nurses and nursing students in all areas of nursing practice. Thanks to generous donor support, the Foundation invests in nurses and in nursing at all educational levels. Find out more... 

Project Proposals

IPAC Canada participates in "requests for" and "offers of" Infection Control Professionals' participation in various projects. There are also numerous opportunities for IPAC Canada members to participate on a number of national and provinicial committees as resource experts. Find out more.

Research Grants

A number of research grants are available from IPAC Canada and other sources for ICPs interested in research. Find out more.

Other Funding Opportunities 

Funds are available for attendance at the IPAC Canada National Education Conference and for continuing education in infection prevention and control. Find out more.