Paediatric Viral Respiratory Infection Prevention: Kids are not little adults (and babies are not little kids)
In the event that more than one participant is enrolled from one location, i.e. a group setting (several attendees in one room), the full title of the organization attending must be spelled out when that group is logging in to the webinar.
All participants in an educational webinar must log into the webinar room with their full name.
IPAC Canada Members can now receive an education credit towards their CIC® recertification by attending IPAC Canada educational webinars.
This is to comply with recertification requirements of the Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC). CBIC has approved the use of a generic certificate of completion which will be available for download at the end of the webinar.
1 IPU per hour is approved for IPAC Canada webinars.
The Certificate will be available to all participants to download.
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Time: 1000 PT, 1100 MT/SK, 1200 CT, 1300 ET, 1400 AT, 1430 NL
Duration: 1 hour.
This webinar is for IPAC Canada Members and Non-Members.

This session will focus on infection prevention and control strategies for children admitted with viral respiratory infections, including approaches to caregiver presence and cohorting, with special consideration to neonatal intensive care settings.
NISHA THAMPI MD MSC FRCPC is the Medical Director of the Infection Prevention and Control program at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), a pediatric academic tertiary care centre in Ottawa and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa.