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An Overview of the National Microbiology Laboratory Branch



In the event that more than one participant is enrolled from one location, i.e. a group setting (several attendees in one room), the full title of the organization attending must be spelled out when that group is logging in to the webinar. 

All participants in an educational webinar must log into the webinar room with their full name.


IPAC Canada Members can now receive an education credit towards their CIC® recertification by attending IPAC Canada educational webinars.

This is to comply with recertification requirements of the Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC). CBIC has approved the use of a generic certificate of completion which will be available for download at the end of the webinar.

1 IPU per hour is approved for IPAC Canada webinars.

The Certificate will be available to all participants to download.

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 1000 PT, 1100 MT/SK, 1200 CT, 1300 ET, 1400 AT, 1430 NL
Duration: 1 hour.

For IPAC Canada members and colleagues.

View Webinar

Webinar Evaluation for Credit

Related documents: Handouts (English, French).


The presentation will cover the mandate, core functions and organizational structure of NMLB within the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). It will also describe key areas of work including capacity development, reference testing, surveillance and medical countermeasures. 

Guillaume PoliquinPresenter

DR. GUILLAUME POLIQUIN completed his medical degree at Western University prior to pursuing a paediatrics residency at the University of Manitoba, followed by a fellowship in paediatric infectious diseases also at the University of Manitoba. After residency, he joined the National Microbiology Laboratory’s Special Pathogens Division for a Ph.D. focused on Ebola virus. He then assumed the role of Medical Advisor to the Scientific Director General at the NMLB.

In March 2022, Dr. Poliquin was named Vice President of the NMLB. These roles are rounded out with a paediatric infectious diseases consultative practice in Winnipeg, as well as general paediatrics practice in remote communities in northern Manitoba and Nunavut. Dr. Poliquin’s research portfolio is primarily focused on vaccine research and emerging pathogens, such as Ebola and, more recently, SARS-CoV-2.