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Core Competencies – New Consensus Documents 2022



In the event that more than one participant is enrolled from one location, i.e. a group setting (several attendees in one room), the full title of the organization attending must be spelled out when that group is logging in to the webinar. 

All participants in an educational webinar must log into the webinar room with their full name.


IPAC Canada Members can now receive an education credit towards their CIC® recertification by attending IPAC Canada educational webinars.

This is to comply with recertification requirements of the Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC). CBIC has approved the use of a generic certificate of completion which will be available for download at the end of the webinar.

1 IPU per hour is approved for IPAC Canada webinars.

The Certificate will be available to all participants to download.

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022
Time:1030 PT, 1130 MT, 1230 CT/SK, 1330 ET, 1430 AT, 1500 NL
Duration: 1 Hour

View WEbinar Webinar Evaluation for Credit



Two IPAC Canada working groups have completed revision of the documents: Core Competencies for Healthcare Providers and Core Competencies for Infection Prevention and Control Professionals. See the revised documents at https://ipac-canada.org/ipac-canada-publications.  The leads of these groups will discuss the process of revision of the documents and highlight new or edited sections.


Barbara Catt

BARBARA CATT has worked in the field of Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) for many years. Her latest work was Manager for Congregate Settings with Scarborough Health Network for COVID-19 outbreak management.

Barbara is a registered nurse and holds a master’s in education where her research focus was adult learner principles. She has been involved in research and publications regarding disease transmission and education such as core competencies. She played a major role in curriculum development and implementation of core competency certification and hand hygiene initiatives. She continues to be an active member with IPAC Canada, APIC, CON, and RNAO. She has served on numerous committees including Standards and Guidelines, HealthPro Clinical Advisory, Prehospital Care Interest Group, Education Core Committee and has served as a Board Member for IPAC Canada since 2014 including the position of past IPAC Canada President and now is a Board member with the International Federation of Infection Control.

Over the 23 years DR. GWYNETH MEYERS has been a member of IPAC Canada she has had a passion for education dedicating her career to exploring and advancing the role teaching and learning plays in transferring knowledge to practice and facilitating behavior change. Dr. Meyers has a BSc in Cellular and Microbiology, an MSc in Epidemiology and Healthcare Research and PhD in Education Technology and the Learning Sciences. Her thesis ‘Building Educational Practice and Culture in Infection Prevention and Control’ was nominated by the University of Calgary for the 2018 Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Distinguished Dissertation Award.  In 2018 she also received the IPAC Canada Canadian Journal of Infection Control Editorial Award for a series of papers on her research.  Dr. Meyers currently works as the Infection Prevention and Control Education Clinical Practice Coordinator, Alberta Health Services. Over her career she has participated in numerous projects and served on several committees including the IPAC Canada Core Education Committee for nine years and the Scientific Chair for the IPAC Canada 2018 National Conference. Presently she is the IPAC Canada representative and subject matter expert on the Curriculum Working Group of the Health Services Organization IPAC Simulation Pilot Project.