Emergencies and Disasters Toolkit
(4th Edition, Revised 2022)
This toolkit contains material to assist an infection prevention and control professional (ICP) when planning for and responding to a disaster utilizing an all-hazards type approach. The toolkit provides useful items such as checklists and templates that can be adapted to specific types of health care settings. Several of the resources have been used in the field and found to be useful by their creators.
Additional resources, key websites and references have been provided.
The toolkit contains procedures and information that may not be the sole responsibility of the ICP but are important to incorporate into the organization’s overall strategy and plan of action. Any emergency or disaster requires a coordinated response with several key players and aligned with local/regional and provincial stakeholders. Communication between different stakeholders and sectors is key. Any response plan should be reviewed annually and as needed such as after a testing exercise or an actual event.
The toolkit can be purchased online at:
IPAC Canada Member rate - $78.75 including 5% GST
Non-Member rate - $157.50 including 5% GST
IPAC Canada acknowledges the following reviewers of the 4th Edition:
- Madeleine Ashcroft, RN BScN MHS CIC FAPIC
- Gail Busto, BScAgr RN CIC
- Sandra Callery, RN MHSc CIC
- Nicola Maund-Jackson, MLT CIC
- Pat Piaskowski, RN HBScN CIC
- Lorinda Stuber, BSc MSc BScN CIC
- Candace Friedman, MPH (Editor)